Minnesota Timberwolves: Four things the Wolves need to be successful this season

As summer comes to a close, let’s look at what the Minnesota Timberwolves and what needs to make them a big time contender in the coming season.
Remember the Minnesota Timberwolves? I’m sure you do. They were a big deal a couple of months ago without even playing a game, which is really quite impressive for a franchise that hasn’t won a lot of games over the course of a couple decades.
The Timberwolves, of course, were in the headlines because of some big moves that the club made. The club traded away Ricky Rubio, traded for Jimmy Butler, signed Jeff Teague, signed Taj Gibson, got new uniforms and are still to debut a revamped arena. It has been kind of a busy summer for Minnesota’s basketball squad.
As it goes, though, the Minnesota Vikings kicked off the preseason, the Minnesota Twins kept everyone interested by actually being competitive and here we sit just a few weeks away from Wolves training camp without a whole lot to talk about them. Well, let’s change that.
Here’s just a few things that need to happen for the Timberwolves to really succeed in the coming season. I ensure you that the list will not just by Karl-Anthony towns being a stud. Although, it probably should be.