Let’s face it the “fire Christian Ponder” train is always full here in Minnesota. ..."/> Let’s face it the “fire Christian Ponder” train is always full here in Minnesota. ..."/>

Local Fan Pleads to President Obama– Fire Christian Ponder


Let’s face it the “fire Christian Ponder” train is always full here in Minnesota. If you ever read any comment sections or social media after any Vikings game that is always the topic at hand.

But one fan from St. Paul decided to take it a step further than complaining on the internet.

This individual had petitioned President Barack Obama to have Ponder removed by executive order as the Vikings starting quarterback, according to Brian Hall of Foxsportsnorth.com.

Depending on whom you ask, this 0-2 start is the end of the Vikings season as we know it or we have only hit a snag and will turn everything around and roll on to something great.

Ponder was the center of conversation and debate after the Vikings’ week one loss to the Lions. But in true Ponder style he had a decent second half so the powers that be can overlook the sloppy first half he had.

Here’s the excerpt from foxsportsnorth.com:

The petition reads: “Minnesota Vikings fans have had enough and it’s time for President Obama to do something about it! We as a state have stood loyally by our team and democratic principles only to suffer the atrocities of the 1998 NFC Champion game, the 2009 NFC Championship game and four years of Jesse Ventura. Mr. President, how long will you stand idly by as we suffer under the regime of Bill Musgrave and his inept offensive play calling abilities. Alas, Mr. President let our voices be heard.”

I must admit I do love this fans “go big or go home” mantra. But a word to this wise— it is better to start local than at the top. Also, the President is a little busy right now.